Used Fiat 500 500 1.0 70hp Mild Hybrid
Price: £17450.00
Saving: £0.00
Dealer ID: 28182
Stock ref: 18086823
Car location: Fiat dealer in Portsmouth Hampshire.
Delivery UK wide and video of car available on request
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MOT history for this vehicle
Extra information including safety on this vehicle
Fix&Go Puncture Repair Kit Label, Speed Limiter, Pastel Paint, Warranty booklet, Naval Transport Cover, Cruise Control, Fix&Go Puncture Repair Kit, Locking wheel nuts
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Vehicle tax rates after 1 March 2001 (before 1 April 2017)
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SMMT vehicle data - useful resources
TFL check driving cost in London
Trade press
Advice:Remember dealers will need to make at least £1,000-£3,000 profit in every deal to cover warranty, preparation and running cost of the business to survive. All the dealers Motormouse work with have checked with HPI for:
Not recorded as stolen
Not recorded as scrapped
Not an insurance write off
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If you buy a car privately or from a non franchised dealer, ensure you see the HPI paper work before buying
Search terms:
Used Fiat 500, Fiat dealer in Hampshire, Fiat dealer Hampshire, Fiat dealer in Portsmouth, Fiat dealer Portsmouth, Fiat 500 500 1.0 70hp Mild Hybrid, Fiat 500 Hatchback